Lower back pain
1. Standing hamstring stretch: Keep your leg on a table and hold the lower part of your leg and bend forwards.
2. Cat and camel: kneel on your knees and put your palms on the floor as a cat, then arch your back as a cat and then transition your back as a camel's.
3. Pelvic tilt: Keep the hands behind the head and lift your back from the floor hold for 2 seconds and then release.
4.Partial curl: Keep your hands behind the head and raise your upper body towards the opposite side and then lay back flat.
5: Extension Exercise: Rest on your abdomen and keep your elbows at right angles, then make your elbows straight and stretch your back.
6: Piriformis stretch: Rest on your back and lift both your legs, cross-legged and make them touch your abdomen.Some Other Exercises That Can Be Done to reduce Your Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain Exercise Guide
Regular exercises to restore the strength of your back and a gradual return to everyday activities are important for your full recovery. Your orthopaedic surgeon and physical therapist may recommend that you exercise 10 to 30 minutes a day one to three times a day during your early recovery. They may suggest some of the following exercises. This guide can help you better understand your exercise and activity program, supervised by your therapist and orthopaedic surgeon.
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